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Handbook Peace Psychology


Knab, N., Steffens, M.C., Halabi, S., Friehs, M.T., Nadler, A., & Hameiri, B. (in press). A wolf in sheep's clothing? The interplay of norms and threat in hierarchy-maintaining action tendencies towards disadvantaged groups. British Journal of Social Psychology


Cohrs, C., Knab, N. & Sommer, G. (2024). Psychologie für den Frieden – Einführung und Überblick in das open-Access Handbuch für Friedenspsychologie.


Wolf, T. , Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Exploring solidarity-based attitudes and behaviors regarding disadvantaged groups: The role of justice sensitivity and social identification. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.


Bytzek, E., Dupont, J., Steffens, M.C., Knab, N., & Schneider, F. (2024). Do Election Pledges Matter? The Effects of Broken and Kept Election Pledges on Citizens’ Trust in Government. German Political Science Quarterly.


Landmann, H., Winter, K., Froehlich, L., Klocke, U., Hechler, S., Niesta-Kayser, D., Knab, N., Hess, F., Bender, R., Maser, J., Wagner, U., & Hellmann, J. (2024). Transfer between Science and Practice: Findings from Expert Network on Forced Migration and Integration. German Journal on Forced Migration and


Hebel-Sela, S. , Knab, N. & Hameiri, B. (2023) Paradoxical Thinking Interventions in Intergroup Conflicts: A Promising Method to Affect Cognitions and Behavior Among People with Strongly Held Attitudes in Halperin, Hameiri, Littmann (Eds.). Psychological Intergroup Interventions: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here. 10.4324/9781003288251-10


Knab, N. (2023). Kann Friedenspsychologie Frieden bringen? (Can Peace Psychology foster peace?). Friedensforum: Journal of Peace Movement. 3/2023, 40-41.


Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2022). "Why do you think Christmas will never ever be celebrated again?" A paradoxical thinking intervention's potential to affect conflict-related concerns, willingness to compromise and openness towards refugees. European Journal of Social Psychology

click here (open access)


Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2021). Emotions for solidarity: The relations of moral outrage and sympathy with hierarchy-challenging and prosocial hierarchy-maintaining action intentions in support of refugees. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.


Knab, N.*, Winter, K.*, & Steffens, M.C. (2021). Flexing the extremes: Increasing cognitive flexibility with a paradoxical leading questions intervention. * shared first-authorship. Social Cognition. 


Bareket, O., Shnabel, N., Kende, A., Knab, N., & Bar-Anan, Y. (2021). Need some help, honey? Dependency-oriented helping relations between women and men in the domestic sphere. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(5), 1175–1203.


Knab, N. & Steffens, M. C. (2018). One World in diversity – a social-psychological intervention to foster international collective action intention. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6, 8-26.


Maltese, S., Baumert, A., Knab, N., & Schmitt, M. (2013). Learning to interpret one's own outcome as unjustified amplifies altruistic compensation: a training study. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:951.




Knab, N., Hameiri, B., Hasan-Aslih, S., Shuman, E., & Halperin, E. (in prep). Effects of a paradoxical intervention on collective action intention of disadvantaged groups.


Casas, A. & Knab, N. (in prep). Evidence-based psychological interventions to transform intergroup conflict in Cohrs, Knab & Sommer (Eds). Handbook Peace Psychology. 


Winter, K. & Knab, N. (in prep.). Does gender-fair language increase cognitive flexibility (and reduce gender stereotypes)? â€‹


Simhon, R., Knab, N., Nyul, B., & Shnabel, N. (in prep). Patriarchy in disguise: Pro-prostitution attitudes and the acceptance of sexual violence towards women. â€‹â€‹

In prep

​​Wolf, T., Pauen, H., Steffens, M.C., & Knab, N. (in revision). We are all the same and (not) judged the same? Examining attribution tendencies of liberals in the context of norm violations by refugees. 


​Knab, N. (under review). The effect of an interdependence mindset on empowering forms of help towards illegal immigrants 


Knab, N. (under review). Tell a story – make it real. Exploring the impact of visionary and victim narrative interventions on sustainable action 


Center for Affective Neuroscience

Global Mental Health

Einstein Research Unit Affective Polarization

Charité-Universitätsmedizin â€‹

Robert-Koch-Platz 4, Berlin

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Thanks for your interest!

©2022 by Nadine Knab

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