When I was young I wanted to become a dancer - the flow and creativity captured me. But learning in history classes about the Holocaust initiated a strong desire to understand, explain and change pro-and antisocial behavior from a psychological perspective. During my Bachelor and Master degree I had the privilege to work with admirable researchers that inspired me to continue my academic path. So nowadays, I am putting the creativity into operationalizations of studies – I am still dancing, I love mostly Salsa, Heels, Bachata and Hip Hop (check out my instagram :)) but I am a peace psychologist at heart – I spent 4 years in Tel Aviv, Israel, which is the best city in the world (trust me I have seen a few). Currently, I am investigating how we cope with affective polarization bridging social psychology, personality psychology and mental health approaches in Berlin, Germany.

Memberships scientific NGOs
President of German Peace Psychology Association
International Association for Conflict Management
Expert Network Social Psychology for Forced Migration and Asylum
European Association of Social Psychology
International Society for Political Psychology
Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues
German Association of Psychological Science (DGPS)
Undergraduate Level:
Empirical practicum (Bachelor of Science, Winter term 2015/16; 2018/19)
Introduction to Social Psychology (Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education, in English and German, Winter term 2016/17; 2019/20; Summer term 2017)
Graduate Level:
Social Psychology of Cooperation and Conflict: Peace Psychology (Master of Science, Winter term 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19)
Conflict Prevention and Cooperation (Master of Science, summer term 2018, 2020, winter 2020/2021), Social Psychological Approaches to Conflict Resolution (Winter term 20/21, 21/22, 22/23,23/24)
Awards and
Falling Walls Fellowship 2022 (Female Science Talents Intensive Track Program)
Azrieli Post doc Fellowship
Minerva Post doc Fellowship
Post doc Fellowship Boris Mints Institute for strategic policy solutions to global challenges
Open Science Award Gold
Science&Society Award